A shard, shimmering with faded color, comes directly between them. It catches both their attention—but it will only show its memory to the one clad in black.

—— Adverse Prelude

The article contains lots of spoilers, please read carefully.


All illustrations and story from Arcaea belong to Lowiro Limited.

所有来源于 Arcaea 的插画与剧情文本均归属于 Lowiro Limited。





Nobody knows what's happening in Arcaea's story.

Twitter 用户 Tokaku(@topkaku)的漫画,吐槽前期剧情

Arcaea 本身并没有显式表述自己的世界观,而是在前期剧情通过对外部环境与 Hikari、Tairitsu 两位主角的心理活动进行描写,以绘制一个模糊的轮廓。如同 Arcaea 般支离破碎的线索,由我们自行解析出这一世界之理。

但在 Adverse Prelude 之后,剧情表现开始朝另一个方向发展。


在 Arcaea 中,后者的信息密度比前者要低,使得在保持相同文本量的情况下,后者对于细节的远低于前者。这一点让 Black Fate 表现出明显的问题。

如果说前期的人物塑造能够解释 Tairitsu 想要终结 Hikari 生命的动机,但对于纷争过程,特别是 Tairitsu 的觉醒,所给予的篇幅并不充足,缺乏合理性的跳跃文本让人看完结尾 Hikari 陷入濒死与绝望的剧情直发问号。


不可否认 Black Fate 的演出非常优秀,但这也让我对 Arcaea 的剧情陷入疑惑:是演出服务于剧情,或是剧情服务于演出?

目前看来,Lowiro 选择的是后者。



So, that’s it. That’s everything.

Tairitsu glimpsed the truth of this cage dubbed “reality”. With that truth, she’s claimed power. And with both, knowing everything … Knowing everything, what exactly would change?

Her feelings curdle and churn. The endless bitterness packed in her chest flows out of it and courses through her—onto her tongue, into her teeth. Her lips twist into a morose and bitterly maudlin grin. Morose and maudlin, but undoubtedly, strangely, mirthful.

—— Black Fate

关于 Tempestissimo


(另有一种说法是取自词语 prestissimo,表示音乐中尽可能高的演奏速度,该词同样也使用了 -issimo 这一词根)

毕竟是主线,Black Fate 如预料中,整体难度又提了一个台阶,但根据圈友与我近两天的体验,整个曲包相比实际内容的难度标定均偏低,不禁怀疑谱师是否在作谱后才得知难度标定的变更。

Guy:作三首 10,要一首 11

Nitro & Toaster:???

《Tempestissimo》再一次刷新了 Arcaea 的难度上限,解锁过程作为演出的一部分,完美表现了剧情中 Tairitsu 以绝对力量蹂躏 Hikari 的效果 🙂 。

面对此曲,即可体验 Hikari 面对 Tairitsu 的无力与绝望。


StaLight 录制的《Tempestissimo》谱面浏览,体验被 Tairitsu 暴打的感觉


Her first impression was that she’d awakened to a cloud of glass butterflies. “How pleasant,” she thought, “that these figures can move as well. Where are the strings?”

She sat onto her knees, fixed her dress, and found that there were no strings, and these were not butterflies. Glass shards, flying on their own. “Delightful!” she felt, and so she said it.

The glass reflected another world than the one in white surrounding her. In it she could see reflectionsof seas, cities, fires, lights; she rose her hand to scatter them, and laughed in joy.

She didn’t know these pieces of glass had a name: Arcaea. To tell the truth, they were so beautiful that it didn’t matter the name. She entertained herself by touching them, swirling them, watching them. That was enough, no?

There were six questions to ask: who, what, where, when, why, and how. Of these questions, she asked none and desired no answers, content instead to bask in the glow of Arcaea. This was her meeting with a new world.

—— Eternal Core

主线的歌曲与谱面切合剧情,一直是 Arcaea 的一个特色。但无论是此次更新,或是放眼三年来的所有内容,《Arcahv》及对应隐藏剧情的解锁都可以算最精彩的演出之一。

解锁方式是伴随 Hikari - Fracture Ray(碎光)依顺序完成《PRAGMATISM》、《Fracture Ray》、《Ringed Genesis》。刻意安排的曲目顺序,仿佛是对 Hikari 在这个世界中全部经历的一次蓦然回首。


The sky — the genuine sky, not an artificial one — is falling, stopping, and falling again, as if grand pieces of a celestial puzzle are being moved and switched by some befuddled god.

And … watching it … her smile begins to gradually recede.

The look in her eyes grows colder, her breath slows, and the faint glimmer of excitement provided by this cataclysmic view is snuffed out, replaced with objectivity. Her opinion on the disaster destroying all is delivered in a single word.

With a little appreciation, in a mostly hollow tone, she says, “Delightful.”

As if the word has any meaning.

As if the fall has any meaning.

As if the world has any meaning.

—— Black Fate

在首次进入隐藏剧情并开始游玩《Arcahv》时,谱面背景会随着曲目进度发生异常,如同正逐步崩塌的玻璃穹顶。谱面中长时间的倒放与破碎化的指引线,仿佛一块又一块碎裂的 Arcaea,像 Tairitsu 如暴风雨般的攻击,带来强烈的视觉冲击。


也许是 Hikari 的意识崩坏致使玻璃世界的瓦解,也许反之。


这是 Hikari 初访这个世界的惊叹,也是她的意识随着这个世界再次崩坏的结语。

Poke_Vocaloid09 录制的《Arcahv》解锁全程,建议带耳机观看





看得出这三年来 Lowiro 对 Arcaea 的用心,正因为此,玩家们真切希望其能够在更加优秀的道路上步履不停。

Arcaea 3rd Anniversary

迟来的三周年祝贺,这是 Arcaea 美术设计 シエラ(@cierra)所作的官方贺图