在 Android Runtime 中,Java 层的堆内存主要通过 Space 相关类进行管理。

Space 根据字面含义,在 Android Runtime 中代表存放 Java 对象的内存空间,但从实现讲,理解为管理 Java 对象的容器更为贴切。每一个 Space 对应一块连续或多块不连续的内存空间,内部可保存多个 Java 对象。


C++ 在语言层面不存在接口的概念,面向对象设计中的接口采用抽象类实现

Space 相关类中有两个基础的类:SpaceAllocSpace。其中 AllocSpace 则是一个接口,表示该内存空间可执行分配操作。

通过继承这两个关键类所构造出的 Space 相关类体系如下:

    Space <|-- ContinuousSpace
    Space <|-- DiscontinuousSpace
    ContinuousSpace <|-- MemMapSpace
    DiscontinuousSpace <|-- LargeObjectSpace
    MemMapSpace <|-- ImageSpace
    MemMapSpace <|-- ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace
    LargeObjectSpace <|-- LargeObjectMapSpace
    LargeObjectSpace <|-- FreeListSpace
    ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace <|-- BumpPointerSpace
    ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace <|-- ZygoteSpace
    ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace <|-- RegionSpace
    ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace <|-- MallocSpace
    MallocSpace <|-- DlMallocSpace
    MallocSpace <|-- ResAllocSpace
    class LargeObjectSpace {
    class ImageSpace {
    class ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace {
    class LargeObjectMapSpace {
    class FreeListSpace {
    class BumpPointerSpace {
    class ZygoteSpace {
    class RegionSpace {
    class MallocSpace {
    class DlMallocSpace {
    class ResAllocSpace {

allocatable 表明该类实现了 AllocSpace,self 与 parent 用于标注 AllocSpace 由自身继承还是由超类继承。


顾名思义,ContinuousSpace 表明该 Space 对应的是一块连续的内存空间,而 DiscontinuousSpace 对应的则是多块不连续内存空间的组合。

MemMapSpace 是通过内存映射提供内存空间的 Space,实现的关键为对内存映射进行封装的 MemMap 辅助工具类。

LargeObjectSpace 用于管理大小超过阈值的大型对象,阈值的默认值为 3 个内存页大小,即 12 KB。

ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace 通过继承的方式整合了 MemMapSpaceAllocSpace,是连续内存空间且可分配 Space 类型的超类,用于在不同子类之间实现数据的拷贝。

ImageSpace 用于加载 .art 文件,这些文件中包含了 Android Framework 中通用的 Java 对象,由多个进程共享以提高性能。ImageSpace 在创建完成后其中的对象便不再发生变动,其内存也不会被释放,因此没有实现 AllocSpace

ZygoteSpace 包含 Zygote 进程启动中所创建的对象,这些对象在进程间共享,与 ImageSpace 同理,其内存也不会被释放。


在学习这些 Space 类型对对象的管理方式之前,首先要了解 Space 在 Android Runtime 堆内存中的作用。

Android Runtime 堆内存的 Space 主要组成包括 Image Space,Zygote Space,Allocation Space 与 Large Object Space。Image Space 与 Zygote Space 进程共享,内部对象由虚拟机提供,目的是为了减少对象冗余,Allocation Space 与 Large Object Space 则为进程相互独立,分别用于管理普通对象与大型对象。

在四者中,Image Space、Zygote Space、Large Object Space 分别与源代码中三个 Space 类型(包括子类)一一对应。

但 Allocation Space 在源代码中不存在直接对应类型,而是根据虚拟机采用不同的垃圾回收算法,在 BumpPointerSpaceRegionSpaceDlMallocSpaceResMallocSpace 中进行选择。

Heap::Heap(...) : ... {


  // Create other spaces based on whether or not we have a moving GC.
  if (foreground_collector_type_ == kCollectorTypeCC) {
    // Reserve twice the capacity, to allow evacuating every region for explicit GCs.
    MemMap region_space_mem_map =
        space::RegionSpace::CreateMemMap(kRegionSpaceName, capacity_ * 2, request_begin);
    CHECK(region_space_mem_map.IsValid()) << "No region space mem map";
    region_space_ = space::RegionSpace::Create(
        kRegionSpaceName, std::move(region_space_mem_map), use_generational_cc_);
  } else if (IsMovingGc(foreground_collector_type_)) {
    // Create bump pointer spaces.
    // We only to create the bump pointer if the foreground collector is a compacting GC.
    // TODO: Place bump-pointer spaces somewhere to minimize size of card table.
    bump_pointer_space_ = space::BumpPointerSpace::CreateFromMemMap("Bump pointer space 1",
    CHECK(bump_pointer_space_ != nullptr) << "Failed to create bump pointer space";
    temp_space_ = space::BumpPointerSpace::CreateFromMemMap("Bump pointer space 2",
    CHECK(temp_space_ != nullptr) << "Failed to create bump pointer space";
  } else {
    CreateMainMallocSpace(std::move(main_mem_map_1), initial_size, growth_limit_, capacity_);
    CHECK(main_space_ != nullptr);
    if (!separate_non_moving_space) {
      non_moving_space_ = main_space_;
    if (main_mem_map_2.IsValid()) {
      const char* name = kUseRosAlloc ? kRosAllocSpaceName[1] : kDlMallocSpaceName[1];
                                                           /* can_move_objects= */ true));
      CHECK(main_space_backup_.get() != nullptr);
      // Add the space so its accounted for in the heap_begin and heap_end.




首先看 AllocSpace 接口的定义,在此主要关注与这篇文字有关的函数接口。

// AllocSpace interface.
class AllocSpace {
  // Number of bytes currently allocated.
  virtual uint64_t GetBytesAllocated() = 0;
  // Number of objects currently allocated.
  virtual uint64_t GetObjectsAllocated() = 0;

  // Allocate num_bytes without allowing growth. If the allocation
  // succeeds, the output parameter bytes_allocated will be set to the
  // actually allocated bytes which is >= num_bytes.
  // Alloc can be called from multiple threads at the same time and must be thread-safe.
  // bytes_tl_bulk_allocated - bytes allocated in bulk ahead of time for a thread local allocation,
  // if applicable. It is
  // 1) equal to bytes_allocated if it's not a thread local allocation,
  // 2) greater than bytes_allocated if it's a thread local
  //    allocation that required a new buffer, or
  // 3) zero if it's a thread local allocation in an existing
  //    buffer.
  // This is what is to be added to Heap::num_bytes_allocated_.
  virtual mirror::Object* Alloc(Thread* self, size_t num_bytes, size_t* bytes_allocated,
                                size_t* usable_size, size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) = 0;


  // Returns how many bytes were freed.
  virtual size_t Free(Thread* self, mirror::Object* ptr) = 0;



GetBytesAllocated()GetObjectsAllocated() 分别返回当前 Space 以分配的空间大小与 Java 对象数量。

Alloc() 函数用于在 Space 中分配空间作为 Java 对象,其在 Android Runtime 中对应类型为 mirror::Object,分配成功时返回该内存的首地址,即 mirror::Object 指针。

传入参数中,self 为函数调用线程,num_bytes 是所需分配空间的大小。

因为内存分配算法的原因,在部分情况下会分配大于 num_bytes 的内存空间,而 bytes_allocatedusable_size 作为返回参数,用于返回实际分配空间大小和其中可用的大小。

bytes_tl_bulk_allocated 与 TLAB 相关。

Free() 函数则用于在 Space 中释放指定的 Java 对象。


顾名思义,BumpPointerSpace 采用的内存分配方法极其简单:指针碰撞,即本次分配的起始地址为上一次分配的结尾地址。

指针碰撞(Bump Pointer):将确定大小的内存通过一根指针分隔为两个部分,已使用空间位于指针一边,空闲空间位于指针另一边,分配内存仅需将指针向空闲空间方向挪动一段与对象大小相等的距离。


先看一看用于创建 BumpPointerSpace 的静态函数,BumpPointerSpace.Create()

BumpPointerSpace* BumpPointerSpace::Create(const std::string& name, size_t capacity) {
  capacity = RoundUp(capacity, kPageSize);
  std::string error_msg;
  MemMap mem_map = MemMap::MapAnonymous(name.c_str(),
                                        PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                                        /*low_4gb=*/ true,
  if (!mem_map.IsValid()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate pages for alloc space (" << name << ") of size "
        << PrettySize(capacity) << " with message " << error_msg;
    return nullptr;
  return new BumpPointerSpace(name, std::move(mem_map));

BumpPointerSpace 的构造函数也很简单,仅对成员变量进行初始化操作。

BumpPointerSpace::BumpPointerSpace(const std::string& name, MemMap&& mem_map)
    : ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace(name,
      objects_allocated_(0), bytes_allocated_(0),
      block_lock_("Block lock", kBumpPointerSpaceBlockLock),
      num_blocks_(0) {

通过 RoundUp() 函数对 Space 内存空间大小 capacity 按内存页大小对齐,并映射出对应大小的内存空间,在构造函数中初始化为对应的成员变量。


内联函数位于以 -inl.h 为结尾的头文件中,而非以 .cc 结尾的源文件。

直接看 Alloc()

inline mirror::Object* BumpPointerSpace::Alloc(Thread*, size_t num_bytes, size_t* bytes_allocated,
                                               size_t* usable_size,
                                               size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  num_bytes = RoundUp(num_bytes, kAlignment);
  mirror::Object* ret = AllocNonvirtual(num_bytes);
  if (LIKELY(ret != nullptr)) {
    *bytes_allocated = num_bytes;
    if (usable_size != nullptr) {
      *usable_size = num_bytes;
    *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = num_bytes;
  return ret;

可见实现位于 AllocNonvirtual() 中。

inline mirror::Object* BumpPointerSpace::AllocNonvirtual(size_t num_bytes) {
  mirror::Object* ret = AllocNonvirtualWithoutAccounting(num_bytes);
  if (ret != nullptr) {
    objects_allocated_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
    bytes_allocated_.fetch_add(num_bytes, std::memory_order_relaxed);
  return ret;

实际内存分配位于 AllocNonvirtualWithoutAccounting()AllocNonvirtual() 在此基础上封装了对 objects_allocated_bytes_allocated_ 两个计数器进行更新的操作。

inline mirror::Object* BumpPointerSpace::AllocNonvirtualWithoutAccounting(size_t num_bytes) {
  DCHECK_ALIGNED(num_bytes, kAlignment);
  uint8_t* old_end;
  uint8_t* new_end;
  do {
    old_end = end_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    new_end = old_end + num_bytes;
    // If there is no more room in the region, we are out of memory.
    if (UNLIKELY(new_end > growth_end_)) {
      return nullptr;
  } while (!end_.CompareAndSetWeakSequentiallyConsistent(old_end, new_end));
  return reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(old_end);

end_ContinuousSpace 的成员变量,记录了上次内存分配的结束位置。可见 AllocNonvirtualWithoutAccounting 通过 CAS 操作将分配结束位置的指针后移了 num_bytes,并返回分配前结束为止的地址,以此实现对象的创建。

Thread Local Allocation Buffer,简称 TLAB,线程本地分配缓存区,是线程的专有内存资源,不同线程间相互独立。

除了 Alloc()BumpPointerSpace 还提供了在用于 TLAB 时在线程本地空间分配的一些函数。

BumpPointerSpace 提供了 AllocNewTlab() 函数来让进程创建自己的 TLAB,原理是采用指针碰撞的算法分配一块称为 Block 的内存空间,此时每个 Block 可以将其视为一个独立的容器,其对象管理方式与 BumpPointerSpace 完全相同。

AllocNewTlab() 的实现如下。

bool BumpPointerSpace::AllocNewTlab(Thread* self, size_t bytes) {
  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), block_lock_);
  uint8_t* start = AllocBlock(bytes);
  if (start == nullptr) {
    return false;
  self->SetTlab(start, start + bytes, start + bytes);
  return true;

在通过 RevokeThreadLocalBuffersLocked() 释放线程 self 原有的 TLAB 后,AllocNewTlab() 调用了 AllocBlock() 分配指定大小的内存空间,并通过 Thread.SetTlab() 设置为 self 的新 TLAB。

// Returns the start of the storage.
uint8_t* BumpPointerSpace::AllocBlock(size_t bytes) {
  bytes = RoundUp(bytes, kAlignment);
  if (!num_blocks_) {
  uint8_t* storage = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
      AllocNonvirtualWithoutAccounting(bytes + sizeof(BlockHeader)));
  if (LIKELY(storage != nullptr)) {
    BlockHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<BlockHeader*>(storage);
    header->size_ = bytes;  // Write out the block header.
    storage += sizeof(BlockHeader);
  return storage;

AllocBlock() 同样采用了 AllocNonvirtualWithoutAccounting() 函数来分配内存空间,但区别在于,AllocBlock() 额外分配了 BlockHeader 大小的空间,位于 Block 的头部,用于记录 Block 的大小。

class BumpPointerSpace final : public ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace {


    struct BlockHeader {
        size_t size_;  // Size of the block in bytes, does not include the header.
        size_t unused_;  // Ensures alignment of kAlignment.



而在 TLAB 中分配对象的函数位于 Thread 类中,其内存分配算法与 BumpPointerSpace 一致,均为指针碰撞。

inline mirror::Object* Thread::AllocTlab(size_t bytes) {
  DCHECK_GE(TlabSize(), bytes);
  mirror::Object* ret = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(tlsPtr_.thread_local_pos);
  tlsPtr_.thread_local_pos += bytes;
  return ret;


由于 BumpPointerSpace 的内存分配算法过于简单,因此压根无法实现释放单一对象的功能。

// NOPS unless we support free lists.
size_t Free(Thread*, mirror::Object*) override {
  return 0;

BumpPointerSpace 可一次性释放内部的所有对象,对应函数为 Clear(),实现方式为将部分成员变量进行复原,并通过 madvise() 对 Space 对应内存空间进行了清零操作。

void BumpPointerSpace::Clear() {
  // Release the pages back to the operating system.
  if (!kMadviseZeroes) {
    memset(Begin(), 0, Limit() - Begin());
  CHECK_NE(madvise(Begin(), Limit() - Begin(), MADV_DONTNEED), -1) << "madvise failed";
  // Reset the end of the space back to the beginning, we move the end forward as we allocate
  // objects.
  objects_allocated_.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
  bytes_allocated_.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
  growth_end_ = Limit();
    MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), block_lock_);
    num_blocks_ = 0;
    main_block_size_ = 0;


BumpPointerSpace 提供 Walk() 函数用于遍历 Space 中的对象,不过在了解该函数的实现之前,必须先了解 Main Block 这一概念。

回看 AllocBlock() 的实现,在第一次分配 Block 的时候调用了一个 UpdateMainBlock() 的函数。

// Returns the start of the storage.
uint8_t* BumpPointerSpace::AllocBlock(size_t bytes) {
  if (!num_blocks_) {

该函数的逻辑非常简单,将成员变量 main_block_size_ 设置为 BumpPointerSpace 当前分配结束地址与起始地址的差值,即 Space 当前已使用的空间大小。

Main Block 的定义,即 Space 起始位置至第一次分配的 Block 起始位置之前。当 AllocBlock() 第一次被调用时,此时 BumpPointerSpace 内不存在任何 Block,则 BumpPointerSpace 会将当前已使用的空间定义为 Main Block,之后在 Main Block 结束地址创建新的 Block。

也就是说,Main Block 内部不包含任何 Block

Walk() 的实现可以拆分成三部分。

第一部分是根据成员变量将边界条件初始化为相应变量,main_end 设置为 Main Block 的结束位置。当 AllocBlock() 不曾被调用,即 num_blocks_ 为 0 时,需要调用 UpdateMainBlock() 以定义 Main Block。

template <typename Visitor>
inline void BumpPointerSpace::Walk(Visitor&& visitor) {
  uint8_t* pos = Begin();
  uint8_t* end = End();
  uint8_t* main_end = pos;
  // Internal indirection w/ NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS. Optimally, we'd like to have an annotation
  // like
  //   REQUIRES_AS(visitor.operator(mirror::Object*))
  // on Walk to expose the interprocedural nature of locks here without having to duplicate the
  // function.
  // NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS is a workaround. The problem with the workaround of course is that
  // it doesn't complain at the callsite. However, that is strictly not worse than the
  // ObjectCallback version it replaces.
  auto no_thread_safety_analysis_visit = [&](mirror::Object* obj) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {

    MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), block_lock_);
    // If we have 0 blocks then we need to update the main header since we have bump pointer style
    // allocation into an unbounded region (actually bounded by Capacity()).
    if (num_blocks_ == 0) {
    main_end = Begin() + main_block_size_;
    if (num_blocks_ == 0) {
      // We don't have any other blocks, this means someone else may be allocating into the main
      // block. In this case, we don't want to try and visit the other blocks after the main block
      // since these could actually be part of the main block.
      end = main_end;

在初始化变量完成后,遍历过程分为两个部分。实现的第二部分,也是遍历的第一部分,是对 Main Block 的遍历。

遍历过程中所获取到的 mirror::Object 指针不一定真正指向一个有效的对象,因此需要通过 mirror::Object.GetClass() 获取对象所属类并判断是否为空来确定对象是否有效,对于 BumpPointerSpace 的内存分配机制,如果发现无效对象,说明在此之后的内存空间无效,直接跳过遍历。

template <typename Visitor>
inline void BumpPointerSpace::Walk(Visitor&& visitor) {

  // Walk all of the objects in the main block first.
  while (pos < main_end) {
    mirror::Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(pos);
    // No read barrier because obj may not be a valid object.
    if (obj->GetClass<kDefaultVerifyFlags, kWithoutReadBarrier>() == nullptr) {
      // There is a race condition where a thread has just allocated an object but not set the
      // class. We can't know the size of this object, so we don't visit it and exit the function
      // since there is guaranteed to be not other blocks.
    } else {
      pos = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(GetNextObject(obj));

实现的第三部分,也是遍历的第二部分,是对除 Main Block 之外的其它内存空间进行遍历。与 Main Block 遍历的区别在于,这一部分的遍历需要考虑到 BlockHeader 的存在。

template <typename Visitor>
inline void BumpPointerSpace::Walk(Visitor&& visitor) {

  // Walk the other blocks (currently only TLABs).
  while (pos < end) {
    BlockHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<BlockHeader*>(pos);
    size_t block_size = header->size_;
    pos += sizeof(BlockHeader);  // Skip the header so that we know where the objects
    mirror::Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(pos);
    const mirror::Object* end_obj = reinterpret_cast<const mirror::Object*>(pos + block_size);
    CHECK_LE(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(end_obj), End());
    // We don't know how many objects are allocated in the current block. When we hit a null class
    // assume its the end. TODO: Have a thread update the header when it flushes the block?
    // No read barrier because obj may not be a valid object.
    while (obj < end_obj && obj->GetClass<kDefaultVerifyFlags, kWithoutReadBarrier>() != nullptr) {
      obj = GetNextObject(obj);
    pos += block_size;


S1:邓凡平老师所著的《深入理解 Android - Java 虚拟机 ART》中提及,当 BumpPointerSpace 用于 TLAB 时,Main Block 是第一个线程的 TLAB,猜测该线程具有特殊性,且创建 TLAB 不是通过 AllocNewTlab() 实现,在第二个线程调用 AllocNewTlab() 前该 TLAB 中的内容便已固定。

S2:基于 S1 与 Walk() 的遍历算法,当 BumpPointerSpace 用于 TLAB 时,Main Block 与各个 Block 之间不存在额外分配的对象,即不再作为线程共享的 Space 使用。


RegionSpace 的内存分配算法与指针碰撞同样经典的另一内存分配算法 —— 空闲列表较为相似,不过相比于真正使用空闲列表的 FreeListSpace 而言,RegionSpace 在连续空间上的分配算法要稍微简单一点。

空闲列表(Free List):已分配的内存和空闲内存相互交错,虚拟机通过维护一个列表,记录可用的内存块信息,当分配操作发生时,从列表中找到一个足够大的内存块分配给对象实例,并更新列表上的记录。

RegionSpace 将内存空间划分为多个相同大小的区块(Region),每一个区块通过类 Region 的对象表示,在分配内存时,RegionSpace 将找到符合要求的 Region 用于分配内存。


RegionSpace 同样具备用于创建的静态函数 RegionSpace.Create()

RegionSpace* RegionSpace::Create(
    const std::string& name, MemMap&& mem_map, bool use_generational_cc) {
  return new RegionSpace(name, std::move(mem_map), use_generational_cc);

Android 8.0 对 RegionSpace 的创建方式进行了重构。

Android 7.1 及以前,RegionSpace 提供了一个在函数内部创建设置 MemMap 对象的 RegionSpace.Create() 重载,但在此之后对 MemMap 的创建设置逻辑移动到 RegionSpace.CreateMemMap() 中,其返回的 MemMap 对象传入到本文所提的 RegionSpace.Create() 函数中。

相比 BumpPointerSpaceRegionSpace 的构造函数可就不那么简单了。其实现如下。

RegionSpace::RegionSpace(const std::string& name, MemMap&& mem_map, bool use_generational_cc)
    : ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace(name,
      region_lock_("Region lock", kRegionSpaceRegionLock),
      num_regions_(mem_map_.Size() / kRegionSize),
      cyclic_alloc_region_index_(0U) {

  regions_.reset(new Region[num_regions_]);
  uint8_t* region_addr = mem_map_.Begin();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regions_; ++i, region_addr += kRegionSize) {
    regions_[i].Init(i, region_addr, region_addr + kRegionSize);
  mark_bitmap_ =
      accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap::Create("region space live bitmap", Begin(), Capacity());

nums_regions_ 成员变量表示 RegionSpace 包含的 Region 数量,初始值为内存空间大小除以 单个 Region 大小(kRegionSize),num_non_free_regions_ 则为已使用 Region 数量。

构造函数首先创建并初始化了 Region 数组 regions_,之后对标记对象用的位图 mark_bitmap_ 进行创建。

除此之外还存在三个重要的成员变量需要说明。full_region_ 是一个内部数据无用的 Region 对象,用于表示一个内存资源不足的 Region。current_region_ 为用于分配的当前 Region,evac_region_ 为用于垃圾回收时释放的当前 Region。

奇怪的是,自前文所提及的 RegionSpace 创建方式重构后,成员变量 full_region_ 的默认值初始化过程似乎消失了。



inline mirror::Object* RegionSpace::Alloc(Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
                                          size_t num_bytes,
                                          /* out */ size_t* bytes_allocated,
                                          /* out */ size_t* usable_size,
                                          /* out */ size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  num_bytes = RoundUp(num_bytes, kAlignment);
  return AllocNonvirtual<false>(num_bytes, bytes_allocated, usable_size,

BumpPointerSpace 相似,在内存大小对齐后调用了实际用于分配的另一个函数。由于函数逻辑较长,在这里对其进行拆分。

注意调用 AllocNonvirtual() 时的模版参数为 false

template<bool kForEvac>
inline mirror::Object* RegionSpace::AllocNonvirtual(size_t num_bytes,
                                                    /* out */ size_t* bytes_allocated,
                                                    /* out */ size_t* usable_size,
                                                    /* out */ size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  DCHECK_ALIGNED(num_bytes, kAlignment);
  mirror::Object* obj;
  if (LIKELY(num_bytes <= kRegionSize)) {
    // Non-large object.
    obj = (kForEvac ? evac_region_ : current_region_)->Alloc(num_bytes,
    if (LIKELY(obj != nullptr)) {
      return obj;
    MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), region_lock_);
    // Retry with current region since another thread may have updated
    // current_region_ or evac_region_.  TODO: fix race.
    obj = (kForEvac ? evac_region_ : current_region_)->Alloc(num_bytes,
    if (LIKELY(obj != nullptr)) {
      return obj;

  } else {

  return nullptr;

根据模版函数的值决定在 current_region_evac_region_ 分配内存,在此逻辑分支中选择了 current_region_。如果在指定的 Region 中分配成功,则直接返回该对象。

这里相同的代码出现了两次,区别在于第二次执行之前加了锁,目的是防止并发过程中出现其它线程已将 current_region_ 更新为一个可用 Region 的情况。

当然,由于当前 current_region_ 指向了 full_region_,因此分配必然返回 nullptr,因此进入第二部分的逻辑,寻找下一个可用的 Region。

template<bool kForEvac>
inline mirror::Object* RegionSpace::AllocNonvirtual(size_t num_bytes,
                                                    /* out */ size_t* bytes_allocated,
                                                    /* out */ size_t* usable_size,
                                                    /* out */ size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  DCHECK_ALIGNED(num_bytes, kAlignment);
  mirror::Object* obj;
  if (LIKELY(num_bytes <= kRegionSize)) {

    Region* r = AllocateRegion(kForEvac);
    if (LIKELY(r != nullptr)) {
      obj = r->Alloc(num_bytes, bytes_allocated, usable_size, bytes_tl_bulk_allocated);
      CHECK(obj != nullptr);
      // Do our allocation before setting the region, this makes sure no threads race ahead
      // and fill in the region before we allocate the object. b/63153464
      if (kForEvac) {
        evac_region_ = r;
      } else {
        current_region_ = r;
      return obj;
  } else {

  return nullptr;

可见函数通过调用 AllocateRegion() 寻找下一个可用的 Region,然后 梅开三度 再次分配,并将 current_region_evac_region_ 指向更新后的 Region。

RegionSpace::Region* RegionSpace::AllocateRegion(bool for_evac) {
  if (!for_evac && (num_non_free_regions_ + 1) * 2 > num_regions_) {
    return nullptr;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regions_; ++i) {
    // When using the cyclic region allocation strategy, try to
    // allocate a region starting from the last cyclic allocated
    // region marker. Otherwise, try to allocate a region starting
    // from the beginning of the region space.
    size_t region_index = kCyclicRegionAllocation
        ? ((cyclic_alloc_region_index_ + i) % num_regions_)
        : i;
    Region* r = &regions_[region_index];
    if (r->IsFree()) {
      r->Unfree(this, time_);
      if (use_generational_cc_) {
      if (for_evac) {
      } else {
      return r;
  return nullptr;

由于 RegionSpace 对应的垃圾回收算法为复制回收,因此必须预留一半的内存空间,当已使用的 Region 数超过总数的一半时,将返回 nullptr,不再允许分配。

之后对 regions_ 数组进行遍历,寻找可用的 Region,通过 Unfree() 进行标记后返回。

kCyclicRegionAllocation 是循环区域分配策略的标志。

在循环区域分配策略中,搜索可用 Region 将从上次分配的结束位置开始,而非从头开始。这种策略可以减少 Region 重用,并有助于更早发现垃圾回收错误,但这种分配策略也会造成 Region 级别的内存碎片化,因此该策略仅在调试模式下被启用。

回到 AllocNonvirtual(),当对象大小大于单个 Region 的大小时,就必须采用多个 Region 容纳单个对象,此时调用 AllocLarge() 进行分配。

template<bool kForEvac>
inline mirror::Object* RegionSpace::AllocNonvirtual(size_t num_bytes,
                                                    /* out */ size_t* bytes_allocated,
                                                    /* out */ size_t* usable_size,
                                                    /* out */ size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  DCHECK_ALIGNED(num_bytes, kAlignment);
  mirror::Object* obj;
  if (LIKELY(num_bytes <= kRegionSize)) {

  } else {
    // Large object.
    obj = AllocLarge<kForEvac>(num_bytes, bytes_allocated, usable_size, bytes_tl_bulk_allocated);
    if (LIKELY(obj != nullptr)) {
      return obj;
  return nullptr;

接下来看看核心部分:Region.Alloc(),实现还是眼熟的那个 – 碰撞指针。

inline mirror::Object* RegionSpace::Region::Alloc(size_t num_bytes,
                                                  /* out */ size_t* bytes_allocated,
                                                  /* out */ size_t* usable_size,
                                                  /* out */ size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  DCHECK(IsAllocated() && IsInToSpace());
  DCHECK_ALIGNED(num_bytes, kAlignment);
  uint8_t* old_top;
  uint8_t* new_top;
  do {
    old_top = top_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    new_top = old_top + num_bytes;
    if (UNLIKELY(new_top > end_)) {
      return nullptr;
  } while (!top_.CompareAndSetWeakRelaxed(old_top, new_top));
  objects_allocated_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
  DCHECK_LE(Top(), end_);
  DCHECK_LT(old_top, end_);
  DCHECK_LE(new_top, end_);
  *bytes_allocated = num_bytes;
  if (usable_size != nullptr) {
    *usable_size = num_bytes;
  *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = num_bytes;
  return reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(old_top);

AllocLarge() 的实现也并不复杂,它搜索了多个空间上连续的 Region 用于存放该对象,并直接将这些 Region 中第一个的首地址作为对象的首地址

AllocLargeInRange() 的实现是单纯的算法问题,采用了滑动窗口,这里就不再说明了。

template<bool kForEvac>
inline mirror::Object* RegionSpace::AllocLarge(size_t num_bytes,
                                               /* out */ size_t* bytes_allocated,
                                               /* out */ size_t* usable_size,
                                               /* out */ size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {

  size_t num_regs_in_large_region = RoundUp(num_bytes, kRegionSize) / kRegionSize;

  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), region_lock_);
  if (!kForEvac) {
    // Retain sufficient free regions for full evacuation.
    if ((num_non_free_regions_ + num_regs_in_large_region) * 2 > num_regions_) {
      return nullptr;

  mirror::Object* region = nullptr;
  // Find a large enough set of contiguous free regions.
  if (kCyclicRegionAllocation) {

  } else {
    // Try to find a range of free regions within [0, num_regions_).
    region = AllocLargeInRange<kForEvac>(0,
  if (kForEvac && region != nullptr) {
  return region;

BumpPointerSpace 相同,RegionSpace 也可以用于 TLAB,但在实现上更为简单。因为在 RegionSpace 中,内存空间已被划分为 Region,因此只需将一个未使用的 Region 设置为线程的 TLAB 即可。

bool RegionSpace::AllocNewTlab(Thread* self,
                               const size_t tlab_size,
                               size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  MutexLock mu(self, region_lock_);
  RevokeThreadLocalBuffersLocked(self, /*reuse=*/ gc::Heap::kUsePartialTlabs);
  Region* r = nullptr;
  uint8_t* pos = nullptr;
  *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = tlab_size;
  // First attempt to get a partially used TLAB, if available.
  if (tlab_size < kRegionSize) {
    // Fetch the largest partial TLAB. The multimap is ordered in decreasing
    // size.
    auto largest_partial_tlab = partial_tlabs_.begin();
    if (largest_partial_tlab != partial_tlabs_.end() && largest_partial_tlab->first >= tlab_size) {
      r = largest_partial_tlab->second;
      pos = r->End() - largest_partial_tlab->first;
      DCHECK_GT(r->End(), pos);
      DCHECK_LE(r->Begin(), pos);
      DCHECK_GE(r->Top(), pos);
      *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated -= r->Top() - pos;
  if (r == nullptr) {
    // Fallback to allocating an entire region as TLAB.
    r = AllocateRegion(/*for_evac=*/ false);
  if (r != nullptr) {
    uint8_t* start = pos != nullptr ? pos : r->Begin();
    DCHECK_ALIGNED(start, kObjectAlignment);
    r->is_a_tlab_ = true;
    r->thread_ = self;
    self->SetTlab(start, start + tlab_size, r->End());
    return true;
  return false;


当看到 Region 采用指针碰撞分配内存时估计就想到了,RegionSpace 同样不支持释放单个对象。

size_t Free(Thread*, mirror::Object*) override {
  return 0;

Clear() 函数的逻辑也较为简单:对成员变量的重新初始化。

void RegionSpace::Clear() {
  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), region_lock_);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regions_; ++i) {
    Region* r = &regions_[i];
    if (!r->IsFree()) {
  DCHECK_EQ(num_non_free_regions_, 0u);
  current_region_ = &full_region_;
  evac_region_ = &full_region_;


RegionSpaceWalk() 函数的实际实现为 WalkInternal(),模版参数为 false

template <typename Visitor>
inline void RegionSpace::Walk(Visitor&& visitor) {
  WalkInternal</* kToSpaceOnly= */ false>(visitor);

WalkInternal() 实现如下,通过 Region.isLarge() 判断是否用于大型对象分配,否则调用 WalkNonLargeRegion() 对 Region 内部进行遍历。

template<bool kToSpaceOnly, typename Visitor>
inline void RegionSpace::WalkInternal(Visitor&& visitor) {
  // TODO: MutexLock on region_lock_ won't work due to lock order
  // issues (the classloader classes lock and the monitor lock). We
  // call this with threads suspended.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regions_; ++i) {
    Region* r = &regions_[i];
    if (r->IsFree() || (kToSpaceOnly && !r->IsInToSpace())) {
    if (r->IsLarge()) {
      // We may visit a large object with live_bytes = 0 here. However, it is
      // safe as it cannot contain dangling pointers because corresponding regions
      // (and regions corresponding to dead referents) cannot be allocated for new
      // allocations without first clearing regions' live_bytes and state.
      mirror::Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(r->Begin());
      DCHECK(obj->GetClass() != nullptr);
    } else if (r->IsLargeTail()) {
      // Do nothing.
    } else {
      WalkNonLargeRegion(visitor, r);

WalkNonLargeRegion() 的遍历方式与遍历 BumpPointerSpace 的 Main Block 逻辑相似。

template<typename Visitor>
inline void RegionSpace::WalkNonLargeRegion(Visitor&& visitor, const Region* r) {
  DCHECK(!r->IsLarge() && !r->IsLargeTail());
  // For newly allocated and evacuated regions, live bytes will be -1.
  uint8_t* pos = r->Begin();
  uint8_t* top = r->Top();
  // We need the region space bitmap to iterate over a region's objects
  // if
  // - its live bytes count is invalid (i.e. -1); or
  // - its live bytes count is lower than the allocated bytes count.
  // In both of the previous cases, we do not have the guarantee that
  // all allocated objects are "alive" (i.e. valid), so we depend on
  // the region space bitmap to identify which ones to visit.
  // On the other hand, when all allocated bytes are known to be alive,
  // we know that they form a range of consecutive objects (modulo
  // object alignment constraints) that can be visited iteratively: we
  // can compute the next object's location by using the current
  // object's address and size (and object alignment constraints).
  const bool need_bitmap =
      r->LiveBytes() != static_cast<size_t>(-1) &&
      r->LiveBytes() != static_cast<size_t>(top - pos);
  if (need_bitmap) {
  } else {
    while (pos < top) {
      mirror::Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(pos);
      if (obj->GetClass<kDefaultVerifyFlags, kWithoutReadBarrier>() != nullptr) {
        pos = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(GetNextObject(obj));
      } else {


DlMallocSpace 采用一种知名的开源内存分配算法 dlmalloc 进行内存分配,本文不对算法本身进行解析,因此对 DlMallocSpace 的说明相对简单。


DlMallocSpace 通过静态函数 Create() 创建对象,实现上与其它 Space 区别不大,内部调用了 CreateMemMap() 创建匿名映射 MemMap 对象,然后调用 CreateFromMemMap() 进行构造。

DlMallocSpace* DlMallocSpace::Create(const std::string& name,
                                     size_t initial_size,
                                     size_t growth_limit,
                                     size_t capacity,
                                     bool can_move_objects) {
  uint64_t start_time = 0;
  if (VLOG_IS_ON(heap) || VLOG_IS_ON(startup)) {
    start_time = NanoTime();
    LOG(INFO) << "DlMallocSpace::Create entering " << name
        << " initial_size=" << PrettySize(initial_size)
        << " growth_limit=" << PrettySize(growth_limit)
        << " capacity=" << PrettySize(capacity);

  // Memory we promise to dlmalloc before it asks for morecore.
  // Note: making this value large means that large allocations are unlikely to succeed as dlmalloc
  // will ask for this memory from sys_alloc which will fail as the footprint (this value plus the
  // size of the large allocation) will be greater than the footprint limit.
  size_t starting_size = kPageSize;
  MemMap mem_map = CreateMemMap(name, starting_size, &initial_size, &growth_limit, &capacity);
  if (!mem_map.IsValid()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create mem map for alloc space (" << name << ") of size "
               << PrettySize(capacity);
    return nullptr;
  DlMallocSpace* space = CreateFromMemMap(std::move(mem_map),
  // We start out with only the initial size possibly containing objects.
  if (VLOG_IS_ON(heap) || VLOG_IS_ON(startup)) {
    LOG(INFO) << "DlMallocSpace::Create exiting (" << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start_time)
        << " ) " << *space;
  return space;

CreateFromMemMap() 调用 dlmalloc 接口 CreateMspace() 以管理内存映射区域,最终调用构造函数。

DlMallocSpace* DlMallocSpace::CreateFromMemMap(MemMap&& mem_map,
                                               const std::string& name,
                                               size_t starting_size,
                                               size_t initial_size,
                                               size_t growth_limit,
                                               size_t capacity,
                                               bool can_move_objects) {
  void* mspace = CreateMspace(mem_map.Begin(), starting_size, initial_size);
  if (mspace == nullptr) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize mspace for alloc space (" << name << ")";
    return nullptr;

  // Protect memory beyond the starting size. morecore will add r/w permissions when necessory
  uint8_t* end = mem_map.Begin() + starting_size;
  if (capacity - starting_size > 0) {
    CheckedCall(mprotect, name.c_str(), end, capacity - starting_size, PROT_NONE);

  // Everything is set so record in immutable structure and leave
  uint8_t* begin = mem_map.Begin();
  if (Runtime::Current()->IsRunningOnMemoryTool()) {
  } else {
    return new DlMallocSpace(std::move(mem_map),
                             begin + capacity,


DlMallocSpace::DlMallocSpace(MemMap&& mem_map,
                             size_t initial_size,
                             const std::string& name,
                             void* mspace,
                             uint8_t* begin,
                             uint8_t* end,
                             uint8_t* limit,
                             size_t growth_limit,
                             bool can_move_objects,
                             size_t starting_size)
    : MallocSpace(name,
                  /* create_bitmaps= */ true,
                  starting_size, initial_size),
      mspace_(mspace) {
  CHECK(mspace != nullptr);


Alloc()AllocNonvirtual() 的一层外壳。

mirror::Object* Alloc(Thread* self,
                      size_t num_bytes,
                      size_t* bytes_allocated,
                      size_t* usable_size,
                      size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) override REQUIRES(!lock_) {
  return AllocNonvirtual(self, num_bytes, bytes_allocated, usable_size,

AllocNonvirtual() 调用了 AllocWithoutGrowthLocked() 进行分配,之后对分配的空间进行清零操作。

inline mirror::Object* DlMallocSpace::AllocNonvirtual(Thread* self, size_t num_bytes,
                                                      size_t* bytes_allocated,
                                                      size_t* usable_size,
                                                      size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  mirror::Object* obj;
    MutexLock mu(self, lock_);
    obj = AllocWithoutGrowthLocked(self, num_bytes, bytes_allocated, usable_size,
  if (LIKELY(obj != nullptr)) {
    // Zero freshly allocated memory, done while not holding the space's lock.
    memset(obj, 0, num_bytes);
  return obj;

AllocWithoutGrowthLocked() 最终调用了 dlmalloc 接口 mspace_malloc() 实现了对象分配,在分配成功时调用 AllocationSizeNonvirtual() 用于确定此次真实分配的空间有多大

inline mirror::Object* DlMallocSpace::AllocWithoutGrowthLocked(
    Thread* /*self*/, size_t num_bytes,
    size_t* bytes_allocated,
    size_t* usable_size,
    size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  mirror::Object* result = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(mspace_malloc(mspace_, num_bytes));
  if (LIKELY(result != nullptr)) {
    size_t allocation_size = AllocationSizeNonvirtual(result, usable_size);
    DCHECK(bytes_allocated != nullptr);
    *bytes_allocated = allocation_size;
    *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = allocation_size;
  return result;

AllocationSizeNonvirtual() 通过调用 dlmalloc 接口 mspace_usable_size() 用于确定真实分配的空间大小。

inline size_t DlMallocSpace::AllocationSizeNonvirtual(mirror::Object* obj, size_t* usable_size) {
  void* obj_ptr = const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(obj));
  size_t size = mspace_usable_size(obj_ptr);
  if (usable_size != nullptr) {
    *usable_size = size;
  return size + kChunkOverhead;


Free() 通过调用 dlmalloc 接口 mspace_free() 释放对象。

size_t DlMallocSpace::Free(Thread* self, mirror::Object* ptr) {
  MutexLock mu(self, lock_);
  const size_t bytes_freed = AllocationSizeNonvirtual(ptr, nullptr);
  if (kRecentFreeCount > 0) {
  mspace_free(mspace_, ptr);
  return bytes_freed;

Clear() 与其它 Space 无差,均为对内存进行清零与成员变量复位。

void DlMallocSpace::Clear() {
  size_t footprint_limit = GetFootprintLimit();
  madvise(GetMemMap()->Begin(), GetMemMap()->Size(), MADV_DONTNEED);
  SetEnd(Begin() + starting_size_);
  mspace_ = CreateMspace(mem_map_.Begin(), starting_size_, initial_size_);


由于 dlmalloc 本身的局限性,当对 DlMallocSpace 进行遍历时,仅可以确定正在遍历内存的起始地址、内存地址、可被使用大小,而无法遍历实际的对象。

Walk() 实现如下。

void DlMallocSpace::Walk(void(*callback)(void *start, void *end, size_t num_bytes, void* callback_arg),
                      void* arg) {
  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), lock_);
  mspace_inspect_all(mspace_, callback, arg);
  callback(nullptr, nullptr, 0, arg);  // Indicate end of a space.


RosAllocSpace 采用了一种称为 Run Of Slot 的动态内存分配算法,该 Space 的内存分配通过管理类 RosAllocSpace 进行操作。

DlMallocSpace 相似,对于内存空间的管理实际上均交由内存管理类进行实现,因此这里仅一笔带过 RosAllocSpace 对对象的创建、分配、释放、遍历,对于内存分配的最终操作还是得看 RosAlloc


与其它 Space 区别不大,通过静态函数 Create() 创建对象,内部调用了 CreateMemMap() 创建匿名映射 MemMap 对象,然后调用 CreateFromMemMap() 进行构造。

RosAllocSpace* RosAllocSpace::Create(const std::string& name,
                                     size_t initial_size,
                                     size_t growth_limit,
                                     size_t capacity,
                                     bool low_memory_mode,
                                     bool can_move_objects) {

  // Memory we promise to rosalloc before it asks for morecore.
  // Note: making this value large means that large allocations are unlikely to succeed as rosalloc
  // will ask for this memory from sys_alloc which will fail as the footprint (this value plus the
  // size of the large allocation) will be greater than the footprint limit.
  size_t starting_size = Heap::kDefaultStartingSize;
  MemMap mem_map = CreateMemMap(name, starting_size, &initial_size, &growth_limit, &capacity);
  if (!mem_map.IsValid()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create mem map for alloc space (" << name << ") of size "
               << PrettySize(capacity);
    return nullptr;

  RosAllocSpace* space = CreateFromMemMap(std::move(mem_map),
  // We start out with only the initial size possibly containing objects.
  if (VLOG_IS_ON(heap) || VLOG_IS_ON(startup)) {
    LOG(INFO) << "RosAllocSpace::Create exiting (" << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start_time)
        << " ) " << *space;
  return space;

CreateFromMemMap() 逻辑如下,传入的 MemMap 内存空间交由 CreateRosAlloc() 构建的 RosAlloc 对象管理,之后在构造器中转变为成员变量。

RosAllocSpace* RosAllocSpace::CreateFromMemMap(MemMap&& mem_map,
                                               const std::string& name,
                                               size_t starting_size,
                                               size_t initial_size,
                                               size_t growth_limit,
                                               size_t capacity,
                                               bool low_memory_mode,
                                               bool can_move_objects) {

  bool running_on_memory_tool = Runtime::Current()->IsRunningOnMemoryTool();

  allocator::RosAlloc* rosalloc = CreateRosAlloc(mem_map.Begin(),
  if (rosalloc == nullptr) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize rosalloc for alloc space (" << name << ")";
    return nullptr;

  // Protect memory beyond the starting size. MoreCore will add r/w permissions when necessory
  uint8_t* end = mem_map.Begin() + starting_size;
  if (capacity - starting_size > 0) {
    CheckedCall(mprotect, name.c_str(), end, capacity - starting_size, PROT_NONE);

  // Everything is set so record in immutable structure and leave
  uint8_t* begin = mem_map.Begin();
  // TODO: Fix RosAllocSpace to support ASan. There is currently some issues with
  // AllocationSize caused by redzones. b/12944686
  if (running_on_memory_tool) {
  } else {
    return new RosAllocSpace(std::move(mem_map),
                             begin + capacity,

CreateRosAlloc() 通过调用 RosAlloc 构造器构造管理对象。

allocator::RosAlloc* RosAllocSpace::CreateRosAlloc(void* begin, size_t morecore_start,
                                                   size_t initial_size,
                                                   size_t maximum_size, bool low_memory_mode,
                                                   bool running_on_memory_tool) {
  // clear errno to allow PLOG on error
  errno = 0;
  // create rosalloc using our backing storage starting at begin and
  // with a footprint of morecore_start. When morecore_start bytes of
  // memory is exhaused morecore will be called.
  allocator::RosAlloc* rosalloc = new art::gc::allocator::RosAlloc(
      begin, morecore_start, maximum_size,
      low_memory_mode ?
          art::gc::allocator::RosAlloc::kPageReleaseModeAll :
  if (rosalloc != nullptr) {
  } else {
    PLOG(ERROR) << "RosAlloc::Create failed";
  return rosalloc;


RosAllocSpace::RosAllocSpace(MemMap&& mem_map,
                             size_t initial_size,
                             const std::string& name,
                             art::gc::allocator::RosAlloc* rosalloc,
                             uint8_t* begin,
                             uint8_t* end,
                             uint8_t* limit,
                             size_t growth_limit,
                             bool can_move_objects,
                             size_t starting_size,
                             bool low_memory_mode)
    : MallocSpace(name,
                  starting_size, initial_size),
      rosalloc_(rosalloc), low_memory_mode_(low_memory_mode) {
  CHECK(rosalloc != nullptr);


像剥洋葱一般剥离函数的所有包装,分配函数 Alloc() 的调用链将到达 AllocCommon()

调用链:RosAllocSpace.Alloc() –> RosAllocSpace.AllocNonvirtual() –> RosAllocSpace.AllocCommon()

AllocCommon() 的实际处理逻辑也在 rosalloc_,即前文提及用于管理内存分配的 RosAlloc 成员变量,剩余的逻辑便是在其它 Space 中见惯的,对计数器的更改与返回参数的计算。

template<bool kThreadSafe>
inline mirror::Object* RosAllocSpace::AllocCommon(Thread* self, size_t num_bytes,
                                                  size_t* bytes_allocated, size_t* usable_size,
                                                  size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  size_t rosalloc_bytes_allocated = 0;
  size_t rosalloc_usable_size = 0;
  size_t rosalloc_bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = 0;
  if (!kThreadSafe) {
  mirror::Object* result = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(
      rosalloc_->Alloc<kThreadSafe>(self, num_bytes, &rosalloc_bytes_allocated,
  if (LIKELY(result != nullptr)) {

    DCHECK(bytes_allocated != nullptr);
    *bytes_allocated = rosalloc_bytes_allocated;
    DCHECK_EQ(rosalloc_usable_size, rosalloc_->UsableSize(result));
    if (usable_size != nullptr) {
      *usable_size = rosalloc_usable_size;
    DCHECK(bytes_tl_bulk_allocated != nullptr);
    *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = rosalloc_bytes_tl_bulk_allocated;
  return result;


实际对内存的操作也在 rosalloc_ 中。

size_t RosAllocSpace::Free(Thread* self, mirror::Object* ptr) {
  if (kDebugSpaces) {
    CHECK(ptr != nullptr);
    CHECK(Contains(ptr)) << "Free (" << ptr << ") not in bounds of heap " << *this;
  if (kRecentFreeCount > 0) {
    MutexLock mu(self, lock_);
  return rosalloc_->Free(self, ptr);

老样子,Clear() 同样是内存清零与成员变量复位。

void RosAllocSpace::Clear() {
  size_t footprint_limit = GetFootprintLimit();
  madvise(GetMemMap()->Begin(), GetMemMap()->Size(), MADV_DONTNEED);
  SetEnd(begin_ + starting_size_);
  delete rosalloc_;
  rosalloc_ = CreateRosAlloc(mem_map_.Begin(),


Walk() 是对 InspectAllRosAlloc() 的包装。

void RosAllocSpace::Walk(void(*callback)(void *start, void *end, size_t num_bytes, void* callback_arg),
                         void* arg) {
  InspectAllRosAlloc(callback, arg, true);

InspectAllRosAlloc() 对内存遍历的最终实现为 rosalloc_InspectAll(),但该函数不可直接调用,这是由于 RosAlloc 存在一个重要的特性,必须在所有线程挂起的情况下才可遍历对象

因此 InspectAllRosAlloc() 依照 RosAlloc 遍历的一个重要特性额外添加了逻辑,代码中总共呈现了三个分支。

  • 第一分支,对应代码中的 Locks::mutator_lock_->IsExclusiveHeld(self),此时虚拟机处于挂起状态,可直接调用。

  • 第二分支,对应代码中的 Locks::mutator_lock_->IsSharedHeld(self),此时当前线程处于挂起状态,但其它线程还没有,需要先通过构造 ScopedThreadSuspension() 释放 mutator_lock_ 锁,再调用 InspectAllRosAllocWithSuspendAll() 实现内存遍历。

  • 第三分支,对应代码中的 else 分支,直接调用 InspectAllRosAllocWithSuspendAll()

void RosAllocSpace::InspectAllRosAlloc(void (*callback)(void *start, void *end, size_t num_bytes, void* callback_arg),
                                       void* arg, bool do_null_callback_at_end) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
  if (Locks::mutator_lock_->IsExclusiveHeld(self)) {
    // The mutators are already suspended. For example, a call path
    // from SignalCatcher::HandleSigQuit().
    rosalloc_->InspectAll(callback, arg);
    if (do_null_callback_at_end) {
      callback(nullptr, nullptr, 0, arg);  // Indicate end of a space.
  } else if (Locks::mutator_lock_->IsSharedHeld(self)) {
    // The mutators are not suspended yet and we have a shared access
    // to the mutator lock. Temporarily release the shared access by
    // transitioning to the suspend state, and suspend the mutators.
    ScopedThreadSuspension sts(self, kSuspended);
    InspectAllRosAllocWithSuspendAll(callback, arg, do_null_callback_at_end);
  } else {
    // The mutators are not suspended yet. Suspend the mutators.
    InspectAllRosAllocWithSuspendAll(callback, arg, do_null_callback_at_end);

InspectAllRosAllocWithSuspendAll() 的逻辑与 InspectAllRosAlloc() 中的第一分支类似,但在调用 rosalloc_InspectAll() 前通过加锁挂起所有线程。

void RosAllocSpace::InspectAllRosAllocWithSuspendAll(
    void (*callback)(void *start, void *end, size_t num_bytes, void* callback_arg),
    void* arg, bool do_null_callback_at_end) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
  ScopedSuspendAll ssa(__FUNCTION__);
  MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_);
  MutexLock mu2(self, *Locks::thread_list_lock_);
  rosalloc_->InspectAll(callback, arg);
  if (do_null_callback_at_end) {
    callback(nullptr, nullptr, 0, arg);  // Indicate end of a space.


由于 RosAlloc 逻辑相对复杂,部分代码的说明以注释的方式添加。

在对 Run Of Slot 分配算法与 RosAlloc 实现进行讲解之前,提前对相关的概念进行说明可以有效降低理解难度。

  • 内存页

内存资源在 RosAlloc 被划分为多个内存页进行管理,每个内存页的大小被常量 kPageSize 所定义:4096 字节。

内存资源的首地址被保存在了成员变量 base_ 中,而每个内存页的状态被保存在 page_map_ 中,在之后的逻辑中可将 page_map_ 作为数组看待,数组长度等于内存资源包含的内存页数量。

这里 page_map_ 可以作为数组看待的意思是,page_map_ 是通过动态分配的方式创建的。类似于通过 malloc() 分配位于堆上的数组,只不过这里用的不是 malloc(),而是内存映射,这个 MemMap 对象被保存在 page_map_mem_map_ 成员变量中。

  • Slot

Slot 是分配内存空间的最小单位,RosAlloc 提供了 kNumOfSizeBrackets 种粒度类型的 Slot(kNumOfSizeBrackets 的值为 42),从 8 Byte 到 2048 Byte。

Slot 粒度的大小被存放在文件级数组 bracketSizes 中。举个例子,bracketSizes[0] 的值为 8,对应 8 Byte 大小的 Slot,bracketSizes[41] 的值为 2048,对应 2048 Byte 大小的 Slot。

  • Run

Run 代表一个内存管理单位,它在 RosAlloc 中扮演的角色近似于 RegionSpace 中的 Region。Run 对应了 RosAlloc 的内部类 Run

一个 Run 中仅包含一种粒度类型的 Slot,其管理的内存页数量与其对应 Slot 的粒度相关,内存页数保存在文件级数组 numsOfPages 中。举个例子,如果一个 Run 对应的 Slot 为粒度类型 15,Slot 的大小为 bracketSizes[15],则 Run 管理内存页数为 numsOfPages[15],管理内存大小字节数为 numsOfPages[15] * kPageSize

但实际 Run 管理的 Slot 数量远没有 numsOfPages[x] * kPageSize / bracketSizes[15] 那么多,因为 Run 不仅包括了 Slot,还包括了存储有关数据的 Header,因此 Slot 占用的空间需要排除 Header 的大小,这一值被计算之后存于文件级数组 numsOfSlots 中,如上文例子中的 Run 包含的 Slot 的数量为 numsOfSlots[15]

Run 中的 Slot 通过成员数组 slot 管理。

  • Free Page Run

FreePageRun 与 Run 是一个相对的概念,它代表 RosAlloc 管理的内存页中不作为 Run 的空闲内存页。

FreePageRun 是一个不存在任何成员变量的工具类,这意味着可直接将内存地址转换为 FreePageRun 的指针后进行操作。

FreePageRun 需要与 RosAlloc 高度绑定,许多成员函数都需要传入其对应的 RosAlloc 对象,因为虽然 FreePageRun 不存在成员变量,但仍需要对一些数据进行记录,而这一部分数据其实保存在 RosAlloc 的成员变量中,如 RosAlloc 的成员变量 free_page_runs_ 为存储当前对象中 FreePageRun 的容器。



RosAlloc::RosAlloc(void* base, size_t capacity, size_t max_capacity,
                   PageReleaseMode page_release_mode, bool running_on_memory_tool,
                   size_t page_release_size_threshold)
    : base_(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(base)), footprint_(capacity),
      capacity_(capacity), max_capacity_(max_capacity),
      lock_("rosalloc global lock", kRosAllocGlobalLock),
      bulk_free_lock_("rosalloc bulk free lock", kRosAllocBulkFreeLock),
      is_running_on_memory_tool_(running_on_memory_tool) {

   * 对分配的内存空间进行清零操作

  // Zero the memory explicitly (don't rely on that the mem map is zero-initialized).
  if (!kMadviseZeroes) {
    memset(base_, 0, max_capacity);


   * 懒初始化前文提及的文件级变量,如 bracketSizes、numsOfPages、numsOfSlots 等

  if (!initialized_) {


  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumOfSizeBrackets; i++) {

     * 创建锁数组,每一种粒度类型的 Slot 都对应了一个锁,以提高内存分配的并发效率
    size_bracket_lock_names_[i] =
        StringPrintf("an rosalloc size bracket %d lock", static_cast<int>(i));
    size_bracket_locks_[i] = new Mutex(size_bracket_lock_names_[i].c_str(), kRosAllocBracketLock);

     * current_runs_ 数组各个元素代表当前用于分配各个粒度 Slot 的 Run 对象
     * 初始状态它们都等于 dedicated_full_run_,它的用途与 RegionSpace 中的 full_region_ 类似,代表了一个不可继续分配内存空间的对象,仅用于标识,没有实际用途

    current_runs_[i] = dedicated_full_run_;


   * 计算当前使用内存页数与最大可用内存页数
   * 当前使用内存页包括已作为 Run 使用的和未作为 Run(也就是处于 Free Page Run 类型)的内存页,
   * 在当前内存页逐步用于 Run 而不足时,会增加当前使用内存页的大小,最大阈值即最大可用内存页数,这个值是通过 RosAlloc 管理内存空间的大小计算所得的
   * 在后面的解析中也需要时刻注意 “当前使用内存” 和 “最大可用内存” 的区别

  size_t num_of_pages = footprint_ / kPageSize;
  size_t max_num_of_pages = max_capacity_ / kPageSize;
  std::string error_msg;

   * 通过匿名内存映射的方式创建 page_map_ 数组,用于标识内存页状态

  page_map_mem_map_ = MemMap::MapAnonymous("rosalloc page map",
                                           RoundUp(max_num_of_pages, kPageSize),
                                           PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                                           /*low_4gb=*/ false,


   * 赋值成员变量

  page_map_ = page_map_mem_map_.Begin();
  page_map_size_ = num_of_pages;
  max_page_map_size_ = max_num_of_pages;

   * 初始化 free_page_run_size_map_ 的大小,其类型为 vector,用于保存 Free Page Run 空间大小的信息
   * 注意,该 vector 的长度不代表 RosAlloc 中 Free Page Run 的数量!
   * 虽然其类型为 vector,但在使用上其实更接近 map,vector 下标对应的是 Free Page Run 的起始地址,如 free_page_run_size_map_[15] 表示与第 15 号内存页起始地址相同的 Free Page Run 所包含的内存大小


   * 当前 RosAlloc 不包含任何 Run,因此可所有当前使用内存视为一个大型的 Free Page Run,其首地址为管理内存的首地址,大小为当前使用内存的大小
  FreePageRun* free_pages = reinterpret_cast<FreePageRun*>(base_);
  free_pages->SetByteSize(this, capacity_);

   * 释放 Free Page Run 中所有内存页,这涉及到内存页的多种状态,后文会进行说明



   * 将当前内存页记录到 free_page_runs_ 中


在这里需要对额外两个部分进行展开,以进一步说明无成员变量的 FreePageRun 是如何与 RosAlloc 进行联动的。

第一个部分是 SetByteSize()ByteSize(),后一个函数在第二个部分的 ReleasePages() 中被调用。这两个函数是 Free Page Run 包含内存大小的 Getter 与 Setter。

SetByteSize() 实现如下,需要传入 FreePageRun 对象对应的 RosAlloc 对象。

void SetByteSize(RosAlloc* rosalloc, size_t byte_size)
    REQUIRES(rosalloc->lock_) {
  DCHECK_EQ(byte_size % kPageSize, static_cast<size_t>(0));
  uint8_t* fpr_base = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(this);
  size_t pm_idx = rosalloc->ToPageMapIndex(fpr_base);
  rosalloc->free_page_run_size_map_[pm_idx] = byte_size;

ToPageMapIndex() 获取到的是当前 FreePageRun 对应的第一个内存页的地址(该函数的实现是一个简单的除法操作,这里不再展开),之后通过修改 rosallocfree_page_run_size_map_ 记录实现修改。

ByteSize() 同理。

size_t ByteSize(RosAlloc* rosalloc) const REQUIRES(rosalloc->lock_) {
  const uint8_t* fpr_base = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this);
  size_t pm_idx = rosalloc->ToPageMapIndex(fpr_base);
  size_t byte_size = rosalloc->free_page_run_size_map_[pm_idx];
  DCHECK_GE(byte_size, static_cast<size_t>(0));
  DCHECK_ALIGNED(byte_size, kPageSize);
  return byte_size;

第二个部分是 ReleasePages(),函数实现了对 Free Page Run 所包含的所有内存页的释放操作。

在通过 ByteSize() 获取到 Free Page Run 包含内存的大小后,通过 ShouldReleasePages() 根据释放模式进行判断,满足条件时通过 ReleasePageRange() 进行释放。

void ReleasePages(RosAlloc* rosalloc) REQUIRES(rosalloc->lock_) {
  uint8_t* start = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(this);
  size_t byte_size = ByteSize(rosalloc);
  DCHECK_EQ(byte_size % kPageSize, static_cast<size_t>(0));
  if (ShouldReleasePages(rosalloc)) {
    rosalloc->ReleasePageRange(start, start + byte_size);

ReleasePageRange() 便是一个简单的限定范围内存空间释放。先对对应的内存空间进行清零操作,再通过遍历范围内所有内存页的状态(该状态存储在 page_map_ 数组中),当内存页状态为 kPageMapEmpty 时,释放内存量 reclaimed_bytes 增长,然后将内存页状态置换为 kPageMapReleased

kPageMapEmpty 表示暂未能用于分配的状态,可能是已经清零的,也可能仍为脏内存页。

kPageMapReleased 表示已释放,可用于 Run 的内存页。

size_t RosAlloc::ReleasePageRange(uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end) {

  if (!kMadviseZeroes) {
    // TODO: Do this when we resurrect the page instead.
    memset(start, 0, end - start);
  CHECK_EQ(madvise(start, end - start, MADV_DONTNEED), 0);
  size_t pm_idx = ToPageMapIndex(start);
  size_t reclaimed_bytes = 0;
  // Calculate reclaimed bytes and upate page map.
  const size_t max_idx = pm_idx + (end - start) / kPageSize;
  for (; pm_idx < max_idx; ++pm_idx) {
    if (page_map_[pm_idx] == kPageMapEmpty) {
      // Mark the page as released and update how many bytes we released.
      reclaimed_bytes += kPageSize;
      page_map_[pm_idx] = kPageMapReleased;
  return reclaimed_bytes;


RosAlloc 通过函数 Alloc() 分配内存,最终 RosAlloc 将通过所需分配内存的大小选择合适粒度的 Slot,并寻找对应的可用 Run,在其内部进行分配。

Alloc() 的实现如下。

template<bool kThreadSafe>
inline ALWAYS_INLINE void* RosAlloc::Alloc(Thread* self, size_t size, size_t* bytes_allocated,
                                           size_t* usable_size,
                                           size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  if (UNLIKELY(size > kLargeSizeThreshold)) {
    return AllocLargeObject(self, size, bytes_allocated, usable_size,
  void* m;
  if (kThreadSafe) {
    m = AllocFromRun(self, size, bytes_allocated, usable_size, bytes_tl_bulk_allocated);
  } else {
    m = AllocFromRunThreadUnsafe(self, size, bytes_allocated, usable_size,
  // Check if the returned memory is really all zero.
  if (ShouldCheckZeroMemory() && m != nullptr) {
    uint8_t* bytes = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(m);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
      DCHECK_EQ(bytes[i], 0);
  return m;

根据所需分配空间的大小是否超过 kLargeSizeThreshold(其值为 2048)个字节的空间,即是否能被最大粒度的 Slot 存储,Alloc() 将调用 AllocLargeObject()AllocFromRun()(绝大部分情况中模版参数 kThreadSafetrue,因此这里不解析 AllocFromRunThreadUnsafe() 的实现)。

先看 AllocFromRun()

void* RosAlloc::AllocFromRun(Thread* self, size_t size, size_t* bytes_allocated,
                             size_t* usable_size, size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {

   * 通过所需分配空间大小 size 计算合适的 Slot 粒度,返回 Slot 粒度对应的下标和粒度大小
   * 非大型对象分配的情况下,分配空间要小于等于 Slot 的粒度
   * bracket_size 是一个返回参数

  size_t bracket_size;
  size_t idx = SizeToIndexAndBracketSize(size, &bracket_size);
  void* slot_addr;

   * kNumThreadLocalSizeBrackets 的值为 16,对应 Slot 粒度为 128 Byte,当分配粒度低于此时执行此分支
   * 该分支会尝试在线程本地空间中进行分配,但需要注意到是这里所提到的线程本地空间不是前文提到的 TLAB,两者概念类似但实现不同,Thread 对 RosAlloc 提供了单独的支持

  if (LIKELY(idx < kNumThreadLocalSizeBrackets)) {

     * 通过 Thread.GetRosAllocRun() 获取一个可用于分配的 Run 对象
     * Thread 内部的 tlsPtr_ 包含一个 16 元素的 Run 数组 rosalloc_runs,用于记录 128 Byte 以下 16 种粒度 Slot 对应的 Run,
     * 初始状态下该数组的默认值均为 dedicated_full_run_,在这种情况下分配空间必然失败

    // Use a thread-local run.
    Run* thread_local_run = reinterpret_cast<Run*>(self->GetRosAllocRun(idx));

    slot_addr = thread_local_run->AllocSlot();

     * 分配失败,进行下一步操作

    if (UNLIKELY(slot_addr == nullptr)) {

       * 对粒度进行加锁,因为前面的分配在线程本地空间中操作,所以无需加锁

      MutexLock mu(self, *size_bracket_locks_[idx]);
      bool is_all_free_after_merge;
       * 将 Run 内用于线程本地空间的空闲 Slot 合并到普通的空闲 Slot 列表中,合并成功则返回 true
       * 当然对 dedicated_full_run_ 执行这一操作是返回 false 的

      if (thread_local_run->MergeThreadLocalFreeListToFreeList(&is_all_free_after_merge)) {
      } else {

         * 取消将当前获取到的 Run 用于线程本地空间

        if (thread_local_run != dedicated_full_run_) {

         * 调用 RefillRun() 重新获取一个对应 Slot 粒度的、可用的 Run
         * 之后将其用于线程本地空间

        thread_local_run = RefillRun(self, idx);
        if (UNLIKELY(thread_local_run == nullptr)) {
          self->SetRosAllocRun(idx, dedicated_full_run_);
          return nullptr;
        self->SetRosAllocRun(idx, thread_local_run);

      // Account for all the free slots in the new or refreshed thread local run.
      *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = thread_local_run->NumberOfFreeSlots() * bracket_size;

       * 重新分配空间

      slot_addr = thread_local_run->AllocSlot();

    } else {
      // The slot is already counted. Leave it as is.
      *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = 0;

    *bytes_allocated = bracket_size;
    *usable_size = bracket_size;
  } else {

     * 对粒度进行加锁,注意这里加锁在分配空间之前

    // Use the (shared) current run.
    MutexLock mu(self, *size_bracket_locks_[idx]);

     * 分配空间
    slot_addr = AllocFromCurrentRunUnlocked(self, idx);

    if (LIKELY(slot_addr != nullptr)) {
      *bytes_allocated = bracket_size;
      *usable_size = bracket_size;
      *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = bracket_size;
  // Caller verifies that it is all 0.
  return slot_addr;

先看分配空间不小于 128 Byte 的逻辑,最终调用到了 AllocFromCurrentRunUnlocked() 进行分配,看一下其中的逻辑。

inline void* RosAlloc::AllocFromCurrentRunUnlocked(Thread* self, size_t idx) {

   * 获取当前粒度所用的 Run
  Run* current_run = current_runs_[idx];
  void* slot_addr = current_run->AllocSlot();

   * 分配失败时,执行下一步操作

  if (UNLIKELY(slot_addr == nullptr)) {

     * 调用 RefillRun() 重新获取一个对应 Slot 粒度的、可用的 Run

    current_run = RefillRun(self, idx);
    if (UNLIKELY(current_run == nullptr)) {
      // Failed to allocate a new run, make sure that it is the dedicated full run.
      current_runs_[idx] = dedicated_full_run_;
      return nullptr;
    current_runs_[idx] = current_run;

     * 重新分配空间
    slot_addr = current_run->AllocSlot();
  return slot_addr;

可见,在两部分操作中,寻找新的可用 Run 对象均调用了 RefillRun(),在 Run 对象分配空间均调用了 Run.AllocSlot()

先看一下 AllocSlot() 如何在 Run 中分配空间,该方法较为简单,直接获取一个可用的 Slot 对象返回。

inline void* RosAlloc::Run::AllocSlot() {
  Slot* slot = free_list_.Remove();
  if (kTraceRosAlloc && slot != nullptr) {
    const uint8_t idx = size_bracket_idx_;
  return slot;

之后是 RefillRun()

RosAlloc::Run* RosAlloc::RefillRun(Thread* self, size_t idx) {
   * 从 non_full_runs_ 中获取一个还未完全用尽 Slot 资源的 Run 对象
   * non_full_runs_ 类型为一个 set 数组

  auto* const bt = &non_full_runs_[idx];
  if (!bt->empty()) {
    // If there's one, use it as the current run.
    auto it = bt->begin();
    Run* non_full_run = *it;

     * 从 non_full_runs_ 中将其移除

    return non_full_run;

   * 如果 non_full_runs_ 记录的 Run 对象中不包含可用的了,通过 AllocRun() 创建一个新的

  // If there's none, allocate a new run and use it as the current run.
  return AllocRun(self, idx);

创建 Run 对象的实现位于 AllocRun() 中。

RosAlloc::Run* RosAlloc::AllocRun(Thread* self, size_t idx) {
  RosAlloc::Run* new_run = nullptr;
    MutexLock mu(self, lock_);
    new_run = reinterpret_cast<Run*>(AllocPages(self, numOfPages[idx], kPageMapRun));
  if (LIKELY(new_run != nullptr)) {
    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
      new_run->magic_num_ = kMagicNum;
    new_run->size_bracket_idx_ = idx;
    if (kUsePrefetchDuringAllocRun && idx < kNumThreadLocalSizeBrackets) {
      // Take ownership of the cache lines if we are likely to be thread local run.
      if (kPrefetchNewRunDataByZeroing) {
        // Zeroing the data is sometimes faster than prefetching but it increases memory usage
        // since we end up dirtying zero pages which may have been madvised.
      } else {
        const size_t num_of_slots = numOfSlots[idx];
        const size_t bracket_size = bracketSizes[idx];
        const size_t num_of_bytes = num_of_slots * bracket_size;
        uint8_t* begin = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(new_run) + headerSizes[idx];
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_bytes; i += kPrefetchStride) {
          __builtin_prefetch(begin + i);
  return new_run;

排除对各种成员变量的初始化操作,可发现 Run 对象管理的内存页是通过 AllocPages() 获得的,而该函数便是寻找 Free Page Run 进行分配的。

void* RosAlloc::AllocPages(Thread* self, size_t num_pages, uint8_t page_map_type) {
  DCHECK(page_map_type == kPageMapRun || page_map_type == kPageMapLargeObject);
  FreePageRun* res = nullptr;

   * 计算所需获取的内存大小
  const size_t req_byte_size = num_pages * kPageSize;

   * 遍历 free_page_runs_,寻找包含内存空间不小于 req_byte_size 的 Free Page Run

  // Find the lowest address free page run that's large enough.
  for (auto it = free_page_runs_.begin(); it != free_page_runs_.end(); ) {
    FreePageRun* fpr = *it;
    size_t fpr_byte_size = fpr->ByteSize(this);
    if (req_byte_size <= fpr_byte_size) {

       * 将找到的 FreePageRun 对象移出 free_page_runs_

      // Found one.
      it = free_page_runs_.erase(it);

       * 如果分配空间小于 Free Page Run 包含内存空间的大小,则进行分割
       * 前一部分占 req_byte_size 的空间返回给外部使用,剩余的部分作为新的 Free Page Run 扔回 free_page_runs_

      if (req_byte_size < fpr_byte_size) {
        // Split.
        FreePageRun* remainder =
            reinterpret_cast<FreePageRun*>(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(fpr) + req_byte_size);
        remainder->SetByteSize(this, fpr_byte_size - req_byte_size);
        // Don't need to call madvise on remainder here.
        fpr->SetByteSize(this, req_byte_size);
        DCHECK_EQ(fpr->ByteSize(this) % kPageSize, static_cast<size_t>(0));
      res = fpr;
    } else {

   * 不存在可用的 Free Page Run,此时需要对当前使用内存进行扩容

  // Failed to allocate pages. Grow the footprint, if possible.
  if (UNLIKELY(res == nullptr && capacity_ > footprint_)) {

     * 计算当前使用内存的末尾是不是一个 Free Page Run,并记录其起始地址与大小
     * 如果末尾不是一个 Free Page Run,则将其当做一个大小为 0 的 Free Page Run

    FreePageRun* last_free_page_run = nullptr;
    size_t last_free_page_run_size;
    auto it = free_page_runs_.rbegin();
    if (it != free_page_runs_.rend() && (last_free_page_run = *it)->End(this) == base_ + footprint_) {
      // There is a free page run at the end.
      last_free_page_run_size = last_free_page_run->ByteSize(this);
    } else {
      // There is no free page run at the end.
      last_free_page_run_size = 0;
    if (capacity_ - footprint_ + last_free_page_run_size >= req_byte_size) {

       * 进行扩容操作

      // If we grow the heap, we can allocate it.
      size_t increment = std::min(std::max(2 * MB, req_byte_size - last_free_page_run_size),
                                  capacity_ - footprint_);
      size_t new_footprint = footprint_ + increment;
      size_t new_num_of_pages = new_footprint / kPageSize;
      page_map_size_ = new_num_of_pages;
      ArtRosAllocMoreCore(this, increment);

       * 对末尾的 Free Page Run 重新设置

      if (last_free_page_run_size > 0) {
        // There was a free page run at the end. Expand its size.
        last_free_page_run->SetByteSize(this, last_free_page_run_size + increment);
      } else {
        // Otherwise, insert a new free page run at the end.
        FreePageRun* new_free_page_run = reinterpret_cast<FreePageRun*>(base_ + footprint_);
        new_free_page_run->SetByteSize(this, increment);
      footprint_ = new_footprint;

       * 与上一部分操作相似:
       * 将 FreePageRun 对象移出 free_page_runs_
       * 如果分配空间小于 Free Page Run 包含内存空间的大小,则进行分割
       * 前一部分占 req_byte_size 的空间返回给外部使用,剩余的部分作为新的 Free Page Run 扔回 free_page_runs_

      // And retry the last free page run.
      it = free_page_runs_.rbegin();
      FreePageRun* fpr = *it;
      size_t fpr_byte_size = fpr->ByteSize(this);
      if (req_byte_size < fpr_byte_size) {
        // Split if there's a remainder.
        FreePageRun* remainder = reinterpret_cast<FreePageRun*>(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(fpr) + req_byte_size);
        remainder->SetByteSize(this, fpr_byte_size - req_byte_size);
        fpr->SetByteSize(this, req_byte_size);
      res = fpr;

   * 根据传入的内存页用途设置内存页状态
   * 举个例子,当通过该函数分配的这些内存页作为 Run 使用时,此时传入的 page_map_type 为 kPageMapRun,
   * 则将分配成功的这些内存页,首页设置为 kPageMapRun,其余页设置为 kPageMapRunPart

  if (LIKELY(res != nullptr)) {
    // Update the page map.
    size_t page_map_idx = ToPageMapIndex(res);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_pages; i++) {
      DCHECK(IsFreePage(page_map_idx + i));
    switch (page_map_type) {
    case kPageMapRun:
      page_map_[page_map_idx] = kPageMapRun;
      for (size_t i = 1; i < num_pages; i++) {
        page_map_[page_map_idx + i] = kPageMapRunPart;
    case kPageMapLargeObject:
      page_map_[page_map_idx] = kPageMapLargeObject;
      for (size_t i = 1; i < num_pages; i++) {
        page_map_[page_map_idx + i] = kPageMapLargeObjectPart;
      LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable - page map type: " << static_cast<int>(page_map_type);

    return res;


  return nullptr;

最后回头看看 AllocLargeObject(),其逻辑也较为简单,分配对象不通过 Run 实现,而是通过 AllocPages() 分配内存页,直接在内存页中存储对象。

void* RosAlloc::AllocLargeObject(Thread* self, size_t size, size_t* bytes_allocated,
                                 size_t* usable_size, size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {

  size_t num_pages = RoundUp(size, kPageSize) / kPageSize;
  void* r;
    MutexLock mu(self, lock_);
    r = AllocPages(self, num_pages, kPageMapLargeObject);
  if (UNLIKELY(r == nullptr)) {
    return nullptr;
  const size_t total_bytes = num_pages * kPageSize;
  *bytes_allocated = total_bytes;
  *usable_size = total_bytes;
  *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = total_bytes;

  return r;


Free() 是对 FreeInternal() 的包装。

size_t RosAlloc::Free(Thread* self, void* ptr) {
  ReaderMutexLock rmu(self, bulk_free_lock_);
  return FreeInternal(self, ptr);

FreeInternal() 通过寻找对象所在的内存页,并判断内存页类型,根据不同类型实现不同方式的回收。

size_t RosAlloc::FreeInternal(Thread* self, void* ptr) {


   * 获取所在内存页的下标

  size_t pm_idx = RoundDownToPageMapIndex(ptr);
  Run* run = nullptr;
    MutexLock mu(self, lock_);
    DCHECK_LT(pm_idx, page_map_size_);
    uint8_t page_map_entry = page_map_[pm_idx];

    switch (page_map_[pm_idx]) {

       * 如果内存页用于大型对象,说明该对象就是大型对象,并可通过大型对象的分配实现,直接断言对象地址为内存页首地址
       * 这里调用了 return,因此不会涉及到后面关于 Run 的操作
      case kPageMapLargeObject:
        return FreePages(self, ptr, false);

       * 基于上一个 case,该 case 不可达

      case kPageMapLargeObjectPart:
        LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable - page map type: " << static_cast<int>(page_map_[pm_idx]);

       * 如果对象在 Run 中进行分配,找到 Run 管理的第一个内存页
       * 注意该 case 没有 break 操作,在找到对应内存页后执行与下一个 case 相同的操作

      case kPageMapRunPart: {
        // Find the beginning of the run.
        do {
          DCHECK_LT(pm_idx, capacity_ / kPageSize);
        } while (page_map_[pm_idx] != kPageMapRun);
       * 确定对象所在的 Run

      case kPageMapRun:
        run = reinterpret_cast<Run*>(base_ + pm_idx * kPageSize);

       * 以下 case 不可达,对象不可能存在于未使用的内存页中

      case kPageMapReleased:
      case kPageMapEmpty:
        LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable - page map type: " << static_cast<int>(page_map_[pm_idx]);
        LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable - page map type: " << static_cast<int>(page_map_[pm_idx]);

   * 在 Run 中释放对象

  return FreeFromRun(self, ptr, run);

接下来看 FreeFromRun()

size_t RosAlloc::FreeFromRun(Thread* self, void* ptr, Run* run) {


   * 确定 Run 对应 Slot 的粒度于大小

  const size_t idx = run->size_bracket_idx_;
  const size_t bracket_size = bracketSizes[idx];
  bool run_was_full = false;
  MutexLock brackets_mu(self, *size_bracket_locks_[idx]);
  if (LIKELY(run->IsThreadLocal())) {
    // It's a thread-local run. Just mark the thread-local free bit map and return.

    // A thread local run will be kept as a thread local even if it's become all free.
    return bracket_size;

   * 通过 FreeSlot() 释放 Slot,内部操作为将 Slot 清零
  // Free the slot in the run.
  auto* non_full_runs = &non_full_runs_[idx];

   * 如果释放完这一 Slot 后,Run 中所有的 Slot 都是空闲的,即整个 Run 都是空闲的
   * 此时将 Run 释放掉,将管理的内存空间转交给 Free Page Run
  if (run->IsAllFree()) {

     * 从 non_full_runs 中移除记录

    // It has just become completely free. Free the pages of this run.
    std::set<Run*>::iterator pos = non_full_runs->find(run);
    if (pos != non_full_runs->end()) {

     * 从 current_runs_ 中移除记录

    if (run == current_runs_[idx]) {
      current_runs_[idx] = dedicated_full_run_;

     * 释放内存页

      MutexLock lock_mu(self, lock_);
      FreePages(self, run, true);
  } else {
    // It is not completely free. If it wasn't the current run or
    // already in the non-full run set (i.e., it was full) insert it
    // into the non-full run set.
    if (run != current_runs_[idx]) {
      auto* full_runs = kIsDebugBuild ? &full_runs_[idx] : nullptr;

       * 另一种情况是,如果此时 Run 是从所有 Slot 都已使用的状态下释放 Slot,则需将其添加到 non_full_runs 中

      auto pos = non_full_runs->find(run);
      if (pos == non_full_runs->end()) {
  return bracket_size;

再看两者均使用到的 FreePages()

size_t RosAlloc::FreePages(Thread* self, void* ptr, bool already_zero) {

   * 获取内存页状态
  size_t pm_idx = ToPageMapIndex(ptr);
  uint8_t pm_type = page_map_[pm_idx];
  uint8_t pm_part_type;

   * 转换内存页状态为对应的附属状态,便于后部逻辑处理
  switch (pm_type) {
  case kPageMapRun:
    pm_part_type = kPageMapRunPart;
  case kPageMapLargeObject:
    pm_part_type = kPageMapLargeObjectPart;
    LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable - " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " : " << "pm_idx=" << pm_idx << ", pm_type="
               << static_cast<int>(pm_type) << ", ptr=" << std::hex
               << reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(ptr);

   * 遍历相同附属状态的内存页,将其状态设为 kPageMapEmpty

  // Update the page map and count the number of pages.
  size_t num_pages = 1;
  page_map_[pm_idx] = kPageMapEmpty;
  size_t idx = pm_idx + 1;
  size_t end = page_map_size_;
  while (idx < end && page_map_[idx] == pm_part_type) {
    page_map_[idx] = kPageMapEmpty;
  const size_t byte_size = num_pages * kPageSize;

   * 释放内存页

  if (already_zero) {
  } else if (!DoesReleaseAllPages()) {
    memset(ptr, 0, byte_size);

   * 找到相邻的 Free Page Run,将释放的内存页与它们进行合并
   * 这一部分便涉及到操作系统中对内存释放的各种情况了,如释放内存的前后是否同样也为空闲内存,这里不再细讲


  // Turn it into a free run.
  FreePageRun* fpr = reinterpret_cast<FreePageRun*>(ptr);
  fpr->SetByteSize(this, byte_size);
  if (!free_page_runs_.empty()) {
    for (auto it = free_page_runs_.upper_bound(fpr); it != free_page_runs_.end(); ) {
      FreePageRun* h = *it;
      if (fpr->End(this) == h->Begin()) {
        it = free_page_runs_.erase(it);
        fpr->SetByteSize(this, fpr->ByteSize(this) + h->ByteSize(this));
      } else {
        // Not adjacent. Stop.
    // Try to coalesce in the lower address direction.
    for (auto it = free_page_runs_.upper_bound(fpr); it != free_page_runs_.begin(); ) {

      FreePageRun* l = *it;
      if (l->End(this) == fpr->Begin()) {
        it = free_page_runs_.erase(it);
        l->SetByteSize(this, l->ByteSize(this) + fpr->ByteSize(this));
        fpr = l;
      } else {
        // Not adjacent. Stop.

  // Insert it.


  return byte_size;



void RosAlloc::InspectAll(void (*handler)(void* start, void* end, size_t used_bytes, void* callback_arg),
                          void* arg) {
  // Note: no need to use this to release pages as we already do so in FreePages().
  if (handler == nullptr) {
  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), lock_);
  size_t pm_end = page_map_size_;
  size_t i = 0;

   * 遍历内存页

  while (i < pm_end) {
    uint8_t pm = page_map_[i];
    switch (pm) {

       * 未使用的内存页跳过遍历

      case kPageMapReleased:
        // Fall-through.
      case kPageMapEmpty: {
        // The start of a free page run.
        FreePageRun* fpr = reinterpret_cast<FreePageRun*>(base_ + i * kPageSize);
        DCHECK(free_page_runs_.find(fpr) != free_page_runs_.end());
        size_t fpr_size = fpr->ByteSize(this);
        DCHECK_ALIGNED(fpr_size, kPageSize);
        void* start = fpr;
        void* end = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(fpr) + fpr_size;
        handler(start, end, 0, arg);
        size_t num_pages = fpr_size / kPageSize;
        i += fpr_size / kPageSize;
        DCHECK_LE(i, pm_end);

       * 遍历大型对象时,直接将内存页地址作为对象地址调用回调,并跳过对象占用的内存页数

      case kPageMapLargeObject: {
        // The start of a large object.
        size_t num_pages = 1;
        size_t idx = i + 1;
        while (idx < pm_end && page_map_[idx] == kPageMapLargeObjectPart) {
        void* start = base_ + i * kPageSize;
        void* end = base_ + (i + num_pages) * kPageSize;
        size_t used_bytes = num_pages * kPageSize;
        handler(start, end, used_bytes, arg);
        i += num_pages;
      case kPageMapLargeObjectPart:
        LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable - page map type: " << static_cast<int>(pm);
       * 对 Run 中的对象进行遍历时,调用 Run.InspectAllSlots() 进行遍历,并跳过 Run 占用的内存页数

      case kPageMapRun: {
        // The start of a run.
        Run* run = reinterpret_cast<Run*>(base_ + i * kPageSize);
        DCHECK_EQ(run->magic_num_, kMagicNum);
        // The dedicated full run doesn't contain any real allocations, don't visit the slots in
        // there.
        run->InspectAllSlots(handler, arg);
        size_t num_pages = numOfPages[run->size_bracket_idx_];
        i += num_pages;
        DCHECK_LE(i, pm_end);
      case kPageMapRunPart:
        LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable - page map type: " << static_cast<int>(pm);
        LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable - page map type: " << static_cast<int>(pm);

对 Run 中对象的遍历位于 InspectAllSlots() 中。

void RosAlloc::Run::InspectAllSlots(void (*handler)(void* start, void* end, size_t used_bytes, void* callback_arg),
                                    void* arg) {
  size_t idx = size_bracket_idx_;

   * 计算 slot 数组的首地址、元素个数与粒度
  uint8_t* slot_base = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(this) + headerSizes[idx];
  size_t num_slots = numOfSlots[idx];
  size_t bracket_size = IndexToBracketSize(idx);

   * 将位于 free_list_ 中的所有空闲 Slot 记录到 is_free 中

  // Free slots are on the free list and the allocated/used slots are not. We traverse the free list
  // to find out and record which slots are free in the is_free array.
  std::unique_ptr<bool[]> is_free(new bool[num_slots]());  // zero initialized
  for (Slot* slot = free_list_.Head(); slot != nullptr; slot = slot->Next()) {
    size_t slot_idx = SlotIndex(slot);
    DCHECK_LT(slot_idx, num_slots);
    is_free[slot_idx] = true;

   * 将位于 thread_local_free_list_ 中的所有空闲 Slot 记录到 is_free 中
  if (IsThreadLocal()) {
    for (Slot* slot = thread_local_free_list_.Head(); slot != nullptr; slot = slot->Next()) {
      size_t slot_idx = SlotIndex(slot);
      DCHECK_LT(slot_idx, num_slots);
      is_free[slot_idx] = true;

   * 一次性遍历从 free_list_ 与 thread_local_free_list_ 中搜集到的非空闲与空闲 Slot

  for (size_t slot_idx = 0; slot_idx < num_slots; ++slot_idx) {
    uint8_t* slot_addr = slot_base + slot_idx * bracket_size;
    if (!is_free[slot_idx]) {
      handler(slot_addr, slot_addr + bracket_size, bracket_size, arg);
    } else {
      handler(slot_addr, slot_addr + bracket_size, 0, arg);


LargeObjectMapSpace 作为一种非连续空间的大型对象管理 Space,对于对象的分配方式其实简单到令人惊讶。



静态函数 Create() 用于创建 LargeObjectMapSpace 对象。

LargeObjectMapSpace* LargeObjectMapSpace::Create(const std::string& name) {
  if (Runtime::Current()->IsRunningOnMemoryTool()) {
  } else {
    return new LargeObjectMapSpace(name);

LargeObjectMapSpace::LargeObjectMapSpace(const std::string& name)
    : LargeObjectSpace(name, nullptr, nullptr, "large object map space lock") {}

Alloc() 直接通过匿名内存映射分配对象,并将分配完成的对象记录到 map 类型的 large_objects_ 中。

mirror::Object* LargeObjectMapSpace::Alloc(Thread* self, size_t num_bytes,
                                           size_t* bytes_allocated, size_t* usable_size,
                                           size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) {
  std::string error_msg;
  MemMap mem_map = MemMap::MapAnonymous("large object space allocation",
                                        PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                                        /*low_4gb=*/ true,
  if (UNLIKELY(!mem_map.IsValid())) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "Large object allocation failed: " << error_msg;
    return nullptr;
  mirror::Object* const obj = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(mem_map.Begin());
  const size_t allocation_size = mem_map.BaseSize();
  MutexLock mu(self, lock_);
  large_objects_.Put(obj, LargeObject {std::move(mem_map), false /* not zygote */});
  DCHECK(bytes_allocated != nullptr);

  if (begin_ == nullptr || begin_ > reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(obj)) {
    begin_ = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(obj);
  end_ = std::max(end_, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(obj) + allocation_size);

  *bytes_allocated = allocation_size;
  if (usable_size != nullptr) {
    *usable_size = allocation_size;
  DCHECK(bytes_tl_bulk_allocated != nullptr);
  *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = allocation_size;
  num_bytes_allocated_ += allocation_size;
  total_bytes_allocated_ += allocation_size;
  return obj;

Free() 对匿名内存映射进行释放。

size_t LargeObjectMapSpace::Free(Thread* self, mirror::Object* ptr) {
  MutexLock mu(self, lock_);
  auto it = large_objects_.find(ptr);
  if (UNLIKELY(it == large_objects_.end())) {
    ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
    LOG(FATAL) << "Attempted to free large object " << ptr << " which was not live";
  const size_t map_size = it->second.mem_map.BaseSize();
  DCHECK_GE(num_bytes_allocated_, map_size);
  size_t allocation_size = map_size;
  num_bytes_allocated_ -= allocation_size;
  return allocation_size;

Walk() 通过对 large_objects_ 进行遍历以遍历所有对象。

void LargeObjectMapSpace::Walk(DlMallocSpace::WalkCallback callback, void* arg) {
  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), lock_);
  for (auto& pair : large_objects_) {
    MemMap* mem_map = &pair.second.mem_map;
    callback(mem_map->Begin(), mem_map->End(), mem_map->Size(), arg);
    callback(nullptr, nullptr, 0, arg);